Saturday, December 1, 2018

Scripture Changes - Updated

At the bottom of this post is the update.

In Joseph Smith's version of the Book of Mormon that I use, it says this:
. . . if the time should come that the voice of this people should cause iniquity . . . they would be ripe for destruction . . . . 

In the present Latter-day Saint (Mormon) version of the Book of Mormon, the same verse says this:
. . . if the time should come that the voice of this people should choose iniquity . . . they would be ripe for destruction . . . . 

It seems to me there is an important difference between causing iniquity and choosing it.

Choosing it, to me, implies that a choice is laid before you. Do you want this or this? Whereas causing implies, to me, creating it. "Hey, I've got this great idea! Let's punish the homeless and forbid begging." or "We really should enact more laws to take away people's choices. They're too stupid to know how to make their own decisions." or something else that the "voice of the people" came up with.

Update 12/2/2018 after 1:30 p.m.
The comments spurred me to do research when I had time to get on my computer, however, the two scriptures posted above (and linked) do say what I said they said (can be verified by clicking on the links). I double checked when I wrote the post, then checked again when comments said all of the editions of the Book of Mormon said "choose".

I searched an online 1830 Book of Mormon and discovered that it did, indeed, say "choose". This is the link to the book. You'll have to do your own search in it because it's a pdf, not a web page. Also, here is a link to a pdf of textual changes made to the Book of Mormon and the change I noticed is not in there. And here is a link to an 1840 copy of the Book of Mormon (left page, upper third of the page). It, also, says "choose". Now, I am thinking that the change was one of the few changes Denver Snuffer made (with permission or at the direction of the Lord, as I understand that the changes he did make were not his own desires). If the change was made by Denver at the Lord's direction, I still hold that the change is from God, and it definitely gives a clearer view of what the scriptures were trying to convey.

Useful links:
Scriptures Project - errors
Scriptures Project - Tracking Changes
(Posted March 2018) Scriptures Completed