Friday, March 1, 2024

Thoughts on the coming total solar eclipse.

A new thing about the April eclipse came to light for me a few days ago. On April 21st, a comet will be the closest to the sun in its path. That means it will appear about 25 degrees away from the sun during totality, which means it might "photobomb the display."

The interesting thing about this comet is that one of its nicknames is "Devil Comet" because it appears to have horns.

It makes me wonder about the symbolism. The sun (representing God) leaves the sky, making the only thing visible the Devil's presence. Luckily, it is temporary, just like the gross wickedness and gross darkness covering the face of the earth is temporary - lasting until Jesus comes to reclaim the planet.

My source for the information about the comet came from here, and I would recommend reading the article:

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