Friday, July 6, 2012

Hymn 259 - rewritten (Hope of Israel)

Much of my life, I liked to play with songs, changing the words to them. At church our opening hymn was “Hope of Israel”. I saw that it was saying people were the “hope of Israel” - I always thought it was Jesus. Anyway, as I read the hymn with new eyes I felt the inspiration to put new words to the tune (you may use them freely):

Verse 1:
Hope of Israel, Je - sus Christ,
Sa - vior of the hum - ble heart,
See, the Spi - rit sig - nals on - ward,
And the hum - ble seek the Lord.

Verse 2:
See our sins, they fall be - hind us
As we view the sac - ri - fice.
Hope of Israel, please be with us,
So the vic - t'ry we will win.

Verse 3:
Live for Zion, Love for - e - ver.
Bring our souls to God a - bove.
Ev - 'ry kind - ness leads to hea - ven
Ev - 'ry step we con - q'ring go.

Verse 4:
Soon the bat - tles will be o - ver,
Where will you, o man, then stand?
On -ward, on - ward, souls re - pent - ing,
Thy re - ward the vic - tor's crown.

Hope of Is -rael, Je - sus Christ
With the sword of truth and light,
Sound the love - cry, “Watch and pray!”
Bring your soul to Christ to - day.

I may see if I can find some lyrics I have written in the past and put them on my other blog. It might be fun to make new lyrics to a song every week and put in on there. (I'm not making any promises.)


  1. I really appreciate this re-write---Thank You!

    1. Thank you.

      I have changed my mind about receiving credit for any songs I rewrite the lyrics to on this blog. They may be freely used. Period. No credit wanted.


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