Friday, September 22, 2017

Prophecy in the first Guiding Principles?

Quite often, over the last couple of months, I have thought of this paragraph in the first version of the Guiding Principles. Ironically, it was one of the things removed in all other versions.

Temporary councils may be formed to carry out initiatives extending in scope outside of fellowships. These should be organized, and run, according to common consent. This means that while men or women may be invited to join, they are given the latitude to determine their level of involvement and should always be free to leave. Above all, agency should be preserved and individuals should be allowed to bring their gifts and talents to the project as they feel directed by the Mind of God. Voluntary participation is necessary in the work of the Lord. Coercing help from friends and loved ones violates the pattern of Heaven and results in hurt and loss [D&C 47]. When beginning an initiative, cast a net widely to allow all who feel so inspired to join. Once formed, take the time to come to an agreement about how the group will be run, make a commitment to see the project through, and then plead for Heaven's guidance and support. If the people in that group will work with an eye single to His glory and the welfare of Zion, rather than their own name and reputation, the Lord can take their weak effort and give it His strength. Once a project has gained momentum, and the group has achieved a shared vision, it is best to refrain from quickly and unwisely adding others who were not inspired to do the work in the first place. Rather, trust in the Lord; a small unified group working with the Lord is more powerful than a thundering crowd.
page 2
Emphasis added.


  1. I liked that too. It is a bit ironic isn't it?

  2. Very ironic. You'd think the Lord just might possibly have inspired the original document.

  3. I'm surprised these didn't make it either: “Friendship is one of the grand fundamental principles of “Mormonism”; [it is designed] to revolutionize and civilize the world, and cause wars and contentions to cease and men to become friends and brothers” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 316).

    “The inquiry is frequently made of me, 'Wherein do you differ from others in your religious views?' In reality and essence we do not differ so far in our religious views, but that we could all drink into one principle of love. One of the grand fundamental principles of ‘Mormonism’ is to receive truth, let it come from whence it may.”

    1. At this point, I am wishing that all of us, myself included, had been humble enough and trusting God enough to fully accept that initial document.

      At first, I accepted it. There were parts that God verified to me that he truly had spoken. But I did not understand that God had commanded it to be written. That Denver gave the assignment to Jeff meant nothing to me, because Denver is a man. And I began to fear that, like the earlier saints wanting a New Testament Church, we were seeking something we ought not, and that God was answering us "according to our idols." Had Denver plainly said in St. George that it was a requirement from God, I doubt I would have wavered in my support of the document (I never wavered in my support of Jeff, who I always believed to be an honest man). But, live and learn.

      I just hope it is not too late, but when I see the three ring monkey circus this has become, a veritable free for all, I am left to mourn. And I beg God with all my heart to fix it, in behalf of those of us who truly are and were willing ti be persuaded, to accept what was offered already, that we may not drown or be punished with those who continue to stir up the pot, never accepting anything as good enough (unless it is their own ideas and nothing else).


    I've been reading this and I really like some of the thoughts presented. "While less certain, it seems reasonable to conclude that Joseph understood relief to belong to this set as well. Had he formulated a complete statement of foundational principles during the Nauvoo reformation, it might have been, “The grand fundamental principles of Mormonism are truth, friendship, and relief.”"

    I think if we reflect back on all of our own experiences it would involve these three things. At least it should. These principles should be common amongst any who wish to worship with us regardless of their faith or background.

  5. Thanks for this post. It is very interesting that this paragraph was removed and that it has correctly predicted what would happen if the counsel contained therein was disregarded. I too wish we would have accepted the initial document.


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