A couple of videos were shared on LDS Freedom Forum. I consider them vital, but they might be disturbing to some people. I am hoping that only one shot does not do this to people, but if this is the cause of the heart, brain, and lung problems, etc. from the shot, this needs to be known even if it is unpleasant.
Background: There's a man who embalms bodies (he doesn't work with the families; he's in the back only), and has done so for about 30 years. When a body is embalmed, if there is a blood clot, the embalmer needs to remove it so that the embalming fluid can flow in.
He discovered really long blood clots that are white and solid at the ends. He said this had never happened before 2020. He noticed there was a correlation between this and vaccines (they are not in unvaccinated people). He said he thought no one would believe him, so he started taking pictures (three of them are in the second video, which is an interview - the last one shows a leg, but it just looks like a person's leg to me; nothing creepy, but others might feel differently).
The first video shows him pulling a clot out of the top of a leg (it looks like it's from the vein at the top back of the leg). You see the skin and the hole, and the clot as he is pulling it out. Those with medical backgrounds or who have an interest in science might not find this disturbing. I, personally, found it fascinating.
If this solid white stuff in the leg veins is also growing in the lungs, heart, or brain, I can see why people are having the reactions they are after getting jabbed again and again.
The more graphic one: https://brandnewtube.com/watch/graphic-content-blood-clots-removed-from-vaccinated-cadaver_IAhdWHuDcb1NbuB.html
The interview:
Update on Feb 10, 2022:
A new thread about it is on LDSFF.
All that follows is a copy pasta (copy and paste) from the opening post of the new thread.
Mortician finds massive clotting while embalming
Post by h_p » Tue Feb 08, 2022 6:31 pm
I posted these links in another thread, but this does deserve its own topic. I found more info to add, as well. There's a funeral director in Alabama who is saying he's been finding massive blood clots in the bodies of the deceased being brought in for embalming/burial. Quick background: the embalming fluid is pumped in through the vascular system, so blood clots need to be removed first. Richard Hirschman has been in the business for about 20 years, but up until mid-last year, finding blood clots was fairly rare. Now he's pulling these massive clots like he's never seen before out on a fairly regular basis--as in more than half of the bodies. This started showing up around May 2021.
What's unusual about the clots themselves is that they contain a white fibrous material, not just clotted red blood cells.
Video of him pulling a clot out of a cadaver's leg. Obviously, it's pretty graphic: https://brandnewtube.com/watch/graphic-content-blood-clots-removed-from-vaccinated-cadaver_IAhdWHuDcb1NbuB.html
Not so graphic, but 30 minute long interview about it with the embalmer, Richard Hirschman: https://rumble.com/vtcsgw-worldwide-exclusive-embalmers-find-veins-and-arteries-filled-with-never-bef.html
Another 53-minute interview with Steve Kirsch (you might recognize his name, he's testified to the FDA and in a Congressional hearing): https://rumble.com/vucdbi-embalmer-richard-hirschman-reveals-novel-clotting-in-65-of-cases.html
Steve Kirsch's substack article: https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/over-half-the-deaths-seen-by-thisHirschman’s data is explosive because it establishes a relative proportion of people affected which we can then use to establish an absolute rate of death.
Is this definitive? No. It’s just another “sanity check” datapoint.
So let’s say the actual rate of vaccine-caused deaths is 40% of all deaths which is less than the 65% rate that Hirschman is seeing.
The CDC says around 65,000 people die a week. So that would be 26,000 people a week killed by the vaccine. He started noticing these deaths in May (they could have started sooner), so let’s just say it’s only been in the last 6 months to be conservative.
26 weeks *26,000 deaths/week=676,000 vaccine-related deaths.
Epoch Times is investigating and hopefully will have something to say soon, but if anyone knows any morticians that they can independently corroborate this, that would super.
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